Principal's Message

My Alma Mater, My Sweet Home is the distinguished theme of this academic session. School plays a gallant role in building the character of a student. When a child is born into a family, everyone is happy as a new person comes to this world. The parents and other family members become strong pillars of support for the child. The child is born with lot of capabilities and talents. He/she learns to speak and does things by observing, imitating and understanding the outer world. When the child attains the age for getting the formal education, the school opens its doors to receive the child. Each day the student gets to know; new persons, new environment, new things and gradually begins to adjust with different people and different circumstances. The School and the family together take up the holy mission of moulding a strong and secure child. The thought patterns, behaviour and attitude of a child changes, making way for a better life. Teachers play a major role in discovering the hidden talents of a child. They do sense latent talents in a student and can further encourage in developing the gifted skills. The teacher becomes an inspiration and the child becomes a conveyor of hope and courage.
The advancement of science and technology has led to a great rise in the intelligent quotient of the child. But what we see is the lack of emotional quotient and spiritual quotient. The School with co- operation, collaboration and support of parents, does make a big impact on the moral character of a student. By motivating the child and instilling self-confidence, the child realizes his/her inner strength and self-worth. Hence becoming more loving, patriotic, compassionate and mature. Schooling goes a long way in raising responsible and respectful citizens of the world.
The world around us is full of wonderful opportunities and unlimited possibilities. With communication becoming swift, we come to know the whereabouts of the entire world in seconds. The present generation is blessed to enjoy these privileges. At this juncture, we need to observe and reflect whether these developments have really helped us to think about other people who are in need of our help or support. Whether we have made our effort in making the relationships in our family, school and society warm and exciting or have we recoiled into our own self? How can we be little more humane in our approach, attitude and dealing? Do we contribute in making this world a better place for everyone? And this noble thought remains present in the working of this institution. To be always a source of inspiration by giving hope, courage and confidence, to achieve new heights and thus fulfilling the purpose of life as envisaged by God Almighty.

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