General Guidelines

  • Pupils are not allowed to bring the following:
    • Objectionable literature
    • Valuables and video games.
    • Any equipment/material which may cause injury or hurt others.
  • Pupils must report the following to the class teacher:
    • Any sickness/bruise
    • Any breakage
    • Any errant behaviour.
  • Pupils must take permission for:
    • Leaving the class from the class or subject teachers.
    • Leaving school, from the Principal.
  • Pupils must note that:
    • Chewing gum on the campus is prohibited.
  • Systematic and regular class work, homework, follow up by way of correction, is essential for satisfactory academic performance.
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities/games and sports will help total personality development.
  • Students will not be granted Half-Day leave.
  • Students are not allowed to come to school in self-driven vehicles.(i.e. scooter).
  • Students are not permitted to carry cell phones to school.

Warning Cards

    Warning card will be given to a student when and if required.
  • Pink Card: For indiscipline, irregular or late attendance, lack of proper outfit and school equipment, for neglect of daily lessons, frequent omission of home work. For insolence, stealing, copying in examination or a test.
    • Three pink cards carry a Grey Card.
  • A grey card means serious action will be taken against the concerned student.

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